The CAPLAW�s most recent bulletin to all CAA�s advises on employment policies and practices regarding COVID vaccinations (�VAX�), especially for those CAA employers who can and decide to require the VAX for all employees as a condition of employment, which with some CAA�s by implication include visitors, clients, and attendees at meetings of Boards of Directors, and HS/EHS Councils, etc.� The Bulletin and guidance of CAPLAW is available via this LINK
ALPI still conducts Board meetings virtually but may in the near future return to meetings in-person. This edition of The Corner is to provide you with CAPLAW�s most recent advice on these issues. This is especially important due to the Bylaws of the corporation and the councils regarding quorum requirements. Members of the Board and Councils may be missing meetings due to the various effects of the pandemic, timing of their VAX, or fears thereof.
In Florida, due to the Governor�s orders and opinions, the partisan political climate, and due to conflicting guidances from various government entities, there is no specific coherent requirement that ALPI return to in-person meetings at this time. CAPLAW advises to, �Check state and local laws to determine whether you may ask employees for proof of vaccination �� The Governor�s order prohibits VAX �passports� by businesses engaged in local, interstate and even international commerce. That order is not law and is subject to litigation by the cruise ship industry and others. So far, it has not been interpreted or applied by a court.
Therefore, read and keep in mind the attached information and await further guidance and decisions.