Community Services
ALPI administers a number of community services programs for migrant and seasonal farmworkers and low-income families. The Community Services Department maintains a focus of statewide service delivery based upon the availability of funds in targeted areas and populations.
The programs and services offered are diverse, in that services are provided to farm workers, low-income individuals and their families, handicapped workers and youth. Some of the services provided are Emergency Services, Housing, Transportation, Vocational Training, GED, ESOL, Literacy and other support services. The department also serves as a clearinghouse for natural disasters that may affect farm workers. A vast network has been established over the years, which is comprised of agencies, churches, organizations and private groups and/or individuals whereby some provide direct financial assistance, others distribute applications for services, etc. Partnerships and collaborative efforts between ALPI and the communities we serve are critical to the success of service delivery.
Services are provided directly by ALPI staff as well as twenty-three (23) volunteer organizations and/or subrecipients including, ten (10) farmworker service agencies; seven (7) Low Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP) subrecipients; and, six (6) Community Service Block Grant (CSBG) organizations. Through this network, ALPI provides emergency assistance (ie: rent, utility, food, etc.) to income eligible farmworkers and their families around the State; as well as energy assistance (ie: home and crisis) income eligible families in seven (7) counties; and, emergency assistance (ie: rent, mortgage, utility, etc.) and Family Self-Sufficiency Assistance (rent, tuition, books, food, gas, childcare, etc.) to income eligible individuals and families in four (4) counties. Additionally, through the Emergency Home Energy Assistance Program (EHEAP), ALPI provides emergency energy assistance to elderly in Polk County.