Note: (30) online applications are accepted daily. Please read the application page carefully for more information.

The Agricultural and Labor Program, Inc.

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LIHEAP (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program)

The Home Energy Assistance Program allows for a benefit payment on behalf of eligible households who have a heating or cooling obligation. There is one benefit payment, per program year, of which the amount is based on a home energy assistance matrix.

LIHEAP has three categories of assistance:

The Home Energy Assistance category allows for a benefit payment on behalf of eligible households who have a heating or cooling obligation. There is one benefit payment per program year of which the amount is based on a home energy assistance matrix.

Crisis Assistance category allows for a benefit payment on behalf of eligible households having an unavoidable heating season (October- March) or a cooling season emergency (April-September).

Weather Related category is instituted upon declaration or order by the Governor or President that a crisis or an emergency exists due to weather-related conditions which would result in a supply of energy that would adversely affect low-income households. After November of each year, if the funds are not expended, they may be transferred to the Home Energy category.

Emergency Home Energy Assistance Program (EHEAP) provides emergency home energy payments for elderly residing in Polk County.

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